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Chapter 5,6 and 7

Chapter 5

Quote"Around me the students move with faces frozen in solemn masks, and I seem to hear already the voices mechanically raised in the songs the visitors loved." 
ContentThe invisible man entered the chapel on founders day after the car ride and the whole situation between him and Dr.Bledsoe. 
ExplanationTIM noticed how the students were only robots for the white people. They are like machines who are there to work for the white people. 

Chapter 6

Quote“Suddenly he reached for something beneath a pile of papers, an old leg shackle from slavery which he profoundly called a ‘symbol of our progress’.” 
Content: The narrator is in Dr.Bledsoe's office talking to him before Dr.Bledsoe kicked him out of the university. 
ExplanationDr. Bledsoe believes that the old shackle is a symbol of progress the black people made since slavery. Bledsoe is proud of the leg shackle and  shows it to the narrator with much pride. However, others believe the old shackle symbolizing slavery and people shouldn't be proud of it because it symbolized the contined struggle of African African in society against inequality and white superiority. 

Chapter 7

There is no symbolic object in Chapter 7. 


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